Antique of the Artisan

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Antique of the Artisan overview from the Talisman scroll. You can see 7 relics, 4 active, 3 suspended.

The Antique of the Artisan is a Meta Talisman designed around the various crafting and trade skills available in Ultima Online. The Talisman gives the ability to craft hundreds of new rare items with the use of Mythic Crafting Recipes. Relics allow for ways to affect your crafts though various ways such as Empowering them to do more damage, reduce resource costs, better chances at exceptional/slayer properties, and NPC Vendor side-deals like offering bulk sale offers or giving up to a 95% discount on the sale.

For more information on the Antique of the Artisan, be sure to check out the official Ultima Online Forever Youtube video:

Activatable Abilities

Antique of the Artisan uses Activatable Abilities, so you may want to review how to activate relics and what the activatable menu bar is.

Antique of the Artisan Applying Empower charges with the Activatable Ability.


Be forewarned, the quest to obtain a Meta Talisman is not for the impatient, frugal or faint of heart! To begin the multi-part quest you must travel just west of the Valor Shrine where the Forgotten Warrior statue awaits:

In order to begin a questline with the Forgotten Warrior statue, you will need to stand on the tile by the foot of the statue and speak any words to it:

Lessons of the Past

Lessons of the Past is a test of Valor in which you must prove your dedication to the arts as a Mythical Craftsman. You must first consult with the Spirits of Great professions of the Past to gain their knowledge and then gain their extraordinary powers into your skilled hands. You must then sacrifice corresponding resources to the tools enchanted by these great Spirits. Only after all the Spirits of the Great Professions are sated, will the Forgotten Warrior provide you with a Talisman of Power.

  1. Spirits of Great Profession: The statue will tell you to visit the spirits of great professions of the past, which will imbue your stone into a tool. Each Spirit is in a location famous for its trade skills, the first is the blacksmith located at the Britian_Crafting_Area. These spirits will only be visible to you if you are on that part of the questline, no one else will see these spirits. You will need to absorb their knowledge into your stone by double clicking the stone and selecting the Spirit.
  2. Sacrifices to the Tool: The spirits will require a sacrifice of the type of resources commonly used in their great profession. The first is ingots to the blacksmithing profession, which you will have to provide all the ingots requested to the tool by double clicking the tool and selecting a pile of ingots from your bags or from the bank box.
  3. Repetition, Consistency, Success: Once this is fulfilled you will need to show your dedication to the Forgotten Warrior and they will appoint your another Spirits of Great Profession to track down and sacrifice the corresponding resources to the tool used by the Spirit of the Great Profession. Once all 8 Great professions have been pacified with the ritual the Forgotten Warrior will offer you the Antique of the Artisan Talisman of Power.


  • When looking for the Spirits, they will be found inside a building related to their profession. They will only be visible to you(and others on the same step) and invulnerable, so check for yellow names!
  • When sacrificing resources, you can place the resources in the bank and then use the tool to target the stack in your open bank.

Abandoning a Questline

You can abandon a previously empty or partially completed questline by using the context menu and selecting the "Abandon Quest".

After the context menu option has been selected you will see a prompt that will require you to type "I Agree" into the field then select "Continue".


Antique of the Artisan has a unique leveling method which grants you experience through crafting. You will only gain experience from crafting the same item 25 times, after which you must change to crafting a different item or wait one hour before gaining experience again on the previously crafted item. Generally speaking, you should do all your regular crafting in the Britain Crafting Area, but this is especially important for leveling your Antique of the Artisan Talisman and its relics.

Mythical Crafting

Antique of the Artisan unlocks Mythical Crafting which allows you to create new rare items. Mythical Crafting requires Mythical Crafting Recipes which can be obtained as loot on Champion Bosses. Once you have a Mythical Crafting Recipe, you can double click it with the character you wish to be able to craft this recipe, which will consume the scroll. Depending on which recipe you use, the Mythical Crafting Recipes will show up in their corresponding crafting menu area. For example a "royal cloak" will show in the "Tailoring Menu" under the "Shirts" Category. At the first level, you can attempt one Mythical Craft every 72 hours, however this cooldown will decrease as your talisman levels.

Some Antique of the Artisan Mythical Crafting recipes shown in the Tailoring Menu, which is accessed by your average sewing kit. The recipes are shown in red, and a message highlighted in purple shows that these recipes are not able to be crafted yet as they are on a cooldown from a previously crafted Mythical Item.


There are currently 7 relics available for the Antique of the Artisan, most of which are passive and with some that are activatable. Each talisman has a maximum of four active relic slots and you get relic slots at levels: 1, 4, 7, 10.

All 7 of the Antique of the Artisan relics in a backpack.


  • At this time it is still not discovered where the relics will come from, so there will be more information to come!


The Frugality relic provided a permanent decrease to the resources required for crafting. This bonus increases as Frugality levels and you gain relic experience based on the amount of material saved while crafting. So you’ll definitely want to level Frugality in the Britain Crafting Area. Frugality can stack with other areas or items which provide a resource reduction benefit. For example, if your Frugality relic provides 5% material reduction and you were crafting in Britain Crafting Area, your total may reduction would be 25%!


The Recycler relic provides a (0.5 * Relic Level) chance your craft consumes 20% less materials when crafting. Its similar to Frugality, but it provides a much greater bonus and these material reduction bonuses stack so it’s possible to get some amazing material savings. For example, if you have a maxed out Frugality relic and you’re crafting in Britain Crafting Area and your Recycler relic activates, that would combine to make a 45% material savings!


The Imbuelogist relic increases the chance of making slayer items in Britain Crafting Area. Your chances to craft a slayer increases as the Imbueologist relic levels and you gain experience by successfully crafting slayer items. The chance to proc this relic is (Relic Level * 2).


The Perfectionist relic increases the chance of making exceptional items. Your chances to successfully craft an exceptional item increases by (Relic Level * 2) and gains experience through the process of by completing Bulk Order Deeds.


The Empowerer is both a passive and activatable relic that first stores a charge shown on your active ability bar for each exceptional quality weapon you craft and then allows to apply your Empowered Charges to any non blessed wearable armor or clothing. You can currently stack 1000 Empowerment charges. Empowered items amplifies all non-player-vs-player damage dealt by the wearer for 1 second for every charge applied so they’re a valuable tool for player-vs-player combat! This bonus includes all forms of damage from melee/ranged to Magery and even pets! Damage amplification increases as the Empowerer relic levels, you can currently wear up to 5 Empowered Items at one time. You know that the Empowered effect is applied to the damage by the orange animation that appears on the target you are attacking.

Antique of the Artisan Applying Empower charges with the Activatable Ability. Antique of the Artisan Applying Empower charges with the Activatable Ability.


The Overstock relic provides a chance to get some free resources from most vendors you are purchasing from. When you complete a transaction, an offer will appear to accept the vendor’s overstocked items. Vendors have their applicable overstock item such as scribes offer blank scrolls, bowyer offers bolts or shafts, weaver offer cloth and so on. The chance for Overstock to proc is based on the relic’s level and you gain relic experience by accepting offers. The amount of overstock items is based on the total gold amount purchased from the vendor, so the more you buy, the more overstock items will be offered.

Antique of the Artisan Applying Empower charges with the Activatable Ability.

The Art of the Deal

The Art of the Deal provides a massive discount off your total purchase only after a purchase has been completed. The chance that this procs is (Relic Level / 4) and it is currently set to give you a 95% discount on the total of the sale. As you can imagine, this can be a significant way to make some profit but before you get too excited, know the chances of procing are quite low. Art of the Deal gains relic experience based on activation.

The sale just before the Art of the Deal Relic Proc for the Antique of the Artisan Talisman. The sale just after the Art of the Deal Relic Proc for the Antique of the Artisan Talisman. You can see here that a large percentage of the cost has been removed!


The community would like to thank the following brave adventurers who contributed their time and experiences for others to enjoy:

  • Khan#6354
  • Teto#1619