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Stealing is a skill that allows you to steal from players, Pack Animals, creatures and even chests. It is paired well with Snooping, Stealth and Hiding in most thief templates. In order to steal from Innocent players, you must choose to join the Thieves Guild and in doing so revoke your rights to be able to give murder counts. You may still steal from enemy players, grey creatures and criminals freely without the need to join the Thieves Guild.

Patch Notes


Activating the Stealing ability will allow you to target a container or player. You can steal a random item by clicking a character or their backpack as well as creatures and pack animals. If paired with the Snooping skill, you can choose the item you wish to steal.

You will be revealed when stealing an item if you are hidden or invisible. It's wise to Stealth over to a target before hand to keep them from catching onto your motives. You must also have 2 free hands to steal an item, so wielding a weapon or otherwise, you will not be able to make the attempt.

Even attempting to steal from another innocent player or innocent creature will flag you as a criminal, the chances of being flagged are decreased with higher skill level, the more characters and NPCs around increases the chance of flagging as well. If you are not seen, you will retain your innocent status.

Blessed or "Newbied" items along with various other items such as Bank Checks cannot be stolen unless they are in a second container inside of the backpack.

Along with the above factors, a weight calculation is involved. Stealing heavier objects is more difficult than stealing a light object.

A helpful video guide can be found here.


Thefts are a direct result of holding an item which is flagged as "stolen", anyone in possession of a stolen item will subjected to the following while continuing to hold an item:

  • Flagged as a criminal.
  • Removes the ability to cast Recall, or use Gate Travel.
  • Unable to place the stolen item in your character's bank.
  • A visible indicator of the Stolen Item Effect (the Eyes) will be present above your character, while in possession of said item.

Stolen Item Effect

The Stolen Item Effect (The Eyes) will appear above an item for a short period of time throughout the duration of the theft. This is to help indicate that the item is stolen and to track its movement through the process of theft. If the item is in a container the Stolen Item Effect (The Eyes) will appear above the container. If the container is your backpack, the Stolen Item Effect (The Eyes) will appear above your character.

Duration of Theft

The duration of the theft will last as follows:

  • Stolen item duration: 3 minutes 30 seconds.
  • If you actively use the Stealing Skill on the item from an Innocent (blue) character and continue to hold it, you will be flagged as criminal for a maximum for 5 minutes and 30 seconds.
  • If you successfully steal an item and are unnoticed in this attempt, a Grace Period will be granted before the item starts flagging your character for the first 25 seconds.
  • Stolen item effect (The Eyes) will appear every 8 seconds.



Decoys are items that players can use to deploy "fake" versions of an item. Decoys have a 75% chance of killing the thief attempting a theft otherwise it will leave them with 1 hp. Most of these Decoys are triggered when an item type for the decoy enters the players backpack or the player is snooped whom is currently carrying this type of decoy, with the exception of Weapon Decoys that trigger when you are disarmed.

These decoys are crafted with the Inscription skill and Forensic Evaluation skill along with Forgers Paints and blank scrolls to craft.

There are four known Decoy types:

Recommended Leveling

Stones are how much an item weighs, people tend to use potion bottles or apples to train stealing.

Stealing can be done from a pack horse, a remote location from a bag or on the steps of your house.

0-50: Buy from NPC
40-50: Steal 3 Stones
50-60: Steal 4 Stones
60-70: Steal 5 Stones
70-80: Steal 6 Stones
80-90: Steal 7 Stones
90-100: Steal 8 Stones.


The community would like to thank the following brave adventurers who contributed their time and experiences for others to enjoy:

  • Colin
  • Sift

See Also