From Ultima Online Forever Wiki
Spoken Commands
Banker/Minter Commands
You Say
"balance" or "statement"
The banker will tell you the amount of gold in your account, including gold piles, checks, and deposited money.
The banker will open your bank box for you.
"withdraw (amount)"
Will place (amount) of gold from your bank box into your backpack, if possible.
"check (amount)"
Will create a check in the amount specific to easily carry large amounts of gold safely.
Will deposit all gold piles and checks in your bank box into your account to free up space in the bank box.
Dungeon Commands
You Say
"Fallax veramocor malum"
Say this to the gatekeeper npc at the entrance to Khaldun and the gate will open.
"arachne arachne arachne"
Say this to enter the final area of Spider Cave.
Ferry Commands
You Say
This will tell the Skara Brae ferryman to take you across the water to the mainland, or back.
Guild Commands
You Say
"I resign from my guild"
Will remove you from the guild. This command can be given anytime, anywhere.
House Commands
You Say
"I ban thee"
Friends, co-owners and owners of a house which is set ‘public’ can issue this command. It will bring up a targeting cursor to ban and eject someone. Friends and owners cannot be banned. By doing this, the person banned will be added to the banned list that is accessible from the house sign menu. There is a limit of 50 banned people per house.
"remove thyself"
Friends, co-owners and owners of a house can issue this command. It will bring up a targeting cursor to eject
someone. Friends and owners cannot be ejected. The targeted individual will be sent outside the house, 3 tiles from the door.
"I wish to lock this down" or "lock down"
Locks an item down in your house.
"I wish to secure this" or "secure"
Locks down a container in your house and makes it secure. Only the owner, bi-owners, and co-owners can issue this command.
"I wish to release this"
Removes lockdown and secure status on an item.
"I wish to place a trash barrel"
Will place a trash barrel inside a house, at the position where you are standing. Only the owner or co-owner
can issue this command. Owners, co-owners, and friends can put trash in the barrel. After 3 minutes the trash will be deleted.
Militia Commands
You Say
"I seek my enemies"
Tracks nearby militia enemies.
"I seek the objective"
Tracks the location of the rune.
Murder Commands
You Say
"I must consider my sins"
This will show your short term and long term murder count.
NPC Commands
You Say
Say this in a guard zone when being attacked or stolen from by another player, or witnessing any illegal action. See Flagging for more detail.
"(name) join"
Can be used with NPC thief guildmasters. They will respond with the amount of money you have to pay them to join that guild. Right after that just drop the money on the NPC to join.
"(name) quit"
Can be used with NPC thief guildmasters. This will remove you from the thieves guild, however you must have been in the guild for at least one week (48 full real life hours in-game).
"(name) move"
The NPC will step aside or away from you.
"(name) time"
The NPC will tell you the current time.
"(name) train"
Can be used with almost any NPC. They will respond by telling you what skills they can teach you (if any).
"(name) train (skill)"
Say this to an NPC that has indicated it can teach that skill. The NPC will respond by telling you how much it will cost you to receive training in that skill, or it will tell you it cannot teach you more than you already know of that skill.
Pet or Summons Commands
You Say
"(name) come"
Summons a closeby pet to your location.
"(name) drop"
Drops everything it’s carrying to the ground, only works with bonded pets.
"(name) follow"
Follows targeted being.
"(name) follow me"
Makes all or one pet follow you.
"(name) friend"
Treats targeted player as another owner.
"(name) guard me"
Makes all or one pet guard you.
"(name) kill" or "(name) attack"
Attacks targeted being.
"(name) release"
Releases pet back into the wild (undoes taming). Meta pets return to egg form and lose all progress and relics.
"(name) stay"
All or one pet will stop and stay in current spot.
"(name) stop"
Cancels any current orders to guard or follow.
"(name) transfer"
Opens trade window to transfer complete ownership to targeted player.
Ring of Forgiveness Commands
You Say
"I seek forgiveness"
When using this command while wearing the Ring of Forgiveness, the character gets teleported to either the West Britain healer (if innocent) or the Bucaneer's Den healer (if murderer) to be resurrected. Has a 12 hour cooldown.
Ship Commands
You Say
"forward" or "unfurl sail"
Travel forward
"forward Left"
Travel in a forward left direction.
"forward right"
Travel in a forward right direction.
"back" or "backward"
Travel backwards.
"right" or "drift right"
Travel to the right without turning the ship.
"left" or "drift left"
Travel to the left without turning the ship.
"turn left" or "port"
Turn the ship to the left.
"turn right" or "starboard"
Turn the ship to the right.
"one (direction)" or "(direction) one"
Moves ship one tile in desired direction and stops.
"slow (direction)"
Moves ship slowly in desired direction.
"stop" or "furl sail"
Stop current ship movement.
"raise anchor"
Raise the anchor, allowing the ship to begin movement.
"drop anchor"
Lower the anchor, to prevent movement commands from activating.
"turn around" or "come about"
Flips the nose of the ship around to face the other direction.
Speaking embark near a vessel you are a captain, officer, or deckhand of will cause you to be transported to a random location on the deck. This only works if you are not currently on a ship. The closest vessel to you is always chosen first. This command can also be accessed through the new vessel gump. Followers will be moved to the ship along with you.
Speaking disembark while on a vessel will allow you to leave your current vessel. After speaking disembark, an aiming reticule will appear on your screen. You can then target land near you. This will move you off the boat and to your specified location. This transports followers off of ships as well.
"fire left" or "fire port"
Fires a cannon volley from the port-side cannons. This is a criminal action if innocent creatures or humans are hit with the resulting cannon fire.
"fire right" or "fire starboard"
Fires a cannon volley from the starboard-side cannons. This is a criminal action if innocent creatures or humans are hit with the resulting cannon fire.
"deploy the cannons"
This will deploy all retracted cannons. Retracted cannons are immune to enemy cannon fire but cannot fire until deployed.
"retract the cannons"
This will retract all deployed cannons.
"take the helm"
Allows you to steer your vessel with your mouse. This is only usable by unmounted characters.
"leave the helm"
Relinquish control of the helm and revert back to normal boat command steering.
"scan the horizons"
Opens a map that reveals enemy ships as a red dot.
Stablemaster Commands
You Say
The stablemaster will give you back the pet(s) you stabled with him, or as many as you have follower slots for.
"stable" or "stall"
Will bring up a targeting cursor. Click on the pet you want to stable.
"claim (list)"
Will bring up a list of all pets the character has stabled, from which you can select one.
"claim (name)"
The stablemaster will give you back the named pet (this command works only if the pet’s name is a single word)
Talisman Commands
You Say
"I wish to pay tribute"
When a talisman has become deactivated, either by unequipping or pvp activity, it goes into cooldown. You can either wait 15 minutes for it to reactivate or you can say this command at the talisman statue and it will deduct 10k gold from your backpack or bank and reset the talisman.
Say anything at the talisman statue to start or continue the talisman quest. Any text will do.
Towncryer Commands
You Say
The Towncryer will give you a bit of news, if he has some. Repeat the command to hear the next bit of news.
Vendor (Player) Commands
You Say
"(name) browse" or "(name) look" or "(name) view"
Will open the backpack of the vendor for you so you can see what is inside. This acts the same as double-clicking on a vendor.
"(name) buy"
You will get a targeting cursor with which you can select the item you want to buy. If you do not have enough gold in your backpack the amount will be taken straight out of your currency account.
"(name) collect"
If you are the owner of the vendor, he will ask you how much gold you would like and then transfer that amount to your bank.
"(name) dismiss"
If you are the owner of the vendor, he will terminate the contract of employment with you. The Vendor will self-destruct, leaving no corpse. Any gold he is holding will be transferred to your bank box. Cannot be used if the vendor is holding items.
"(name) status" or "(name) info"
If you are the owner of the vendor, this command will open the vendor management menu.
Vendor (Shop) Commands
You Say
"(name) buy" or "vendor buy"
The inventory of the vendor will be shown to you. You can select which items you want to buy. The amount will be taken straight out of your currency account and you receive the item(s) you purchased in your backpack.
"(name) sell" or "vendor sell"
The items in your backpack that can be sold to the vendor will be shown to you. You can select which items
you want to sell.
Young Player Commands
You Say
"I renounce my young player status"
Once used the “young” status will be removed from the player. There is no way to reverse this, so be *very* sure if you want to do this.
Server Commands
Server Commands
The community would like to thank the following brave adventurers who contributed their time and experiences for others to enjoy: