Rifts are monster encounters that are player driven both through the crafting and the opening. Once opened the gate will continue to pump out very strong monsters for you to defeat with the purpose of closing the Rift. A wide range of tactics and skill will be required to tackle these with successful results.test
The first Rift was open at Britain inside the Graveyard. Several Rifts have been opened since that time and become overwhelming in the amount of monsters it pumps out of the gate. Innocent citizens of the land have even needed to board up inside of their homes.
Rift Spawn
Rift Surround House
Rift Center
Rift Spawn
Rifts are only able to be opened by players on the island of Ocllo in a designated area. They are not able to be opened inside of guard zone, but mobs are able to be pulled into the guard zone. Some have used this as a tactic to guard wack the monsters, juggernauts, they wish not to deal with by using flagging tactics.
Currently Rifts spawn three different monsters that include Clockwork Minion, Clockwork Overseer, and Clockwork Juggernaut. Their mechanics work similar to those in the dungeon of Exodus and are no pushover when it comes to difficulty.
Rift Crafting
As mentioned Rifts are completely player driven, and will require skilled crafters and the use of the Soulforge. Plasma is the main resource used in all the crafted items. These items are "a breach" and "a forked bough".
Forked Bough
The Breach is used to open new rifts, so it will be important that when you open rifts you farm enough plasma to crafter another Breach. This is important to make Rifts self sustaining, but they do require additional materials to be farmed outside of Rifts. The Forked Bough is used to create the Ligneous Wight, it will start weak and will grow increasingly stronger as you feed it more plasma.
The additional materials you will need to farm to use with Plasma will be Intact Dragon's Hearts and Dragon Bone Shards. The hearts and shards both drop from all forms of dragon monsters, but the drop rate is very low.
Note: Plasma does DECAY so again it is very important to be prepared for the crafting of items following your rift adventures or run the risk of losing your Plasma.
Intact Dragon's Heart
Dragon Bone Shard
The Soul Forge is used to create the items needed to open these gates and create the new pet, both items are located in the "corrupted" menu in the Soul Forge. Requires 100 blacksmithing and 90 magery to attempt craft.
Soulforge - Breach
Soulforge - Forked Bough
Ligneous Wight
The Wight is the unbondable pet gained from collecting plasma and crafting the item to summon this pet.
Once created it will be weak, but can be given plasma (in a total range of about 2000 plasma) to max out its skills and stats. Below is an example of the max statistics of a particular Wight, but the statistics seems range to some degree. The Wight has the ability of a Mini Quicksilver attack that gives it 200 additional dexterity and a refresh of stamina for the duration. It also has the ability of on hit DP poison. These special abilities are fed by consuming stored Plasma which can run out and will need to be replenished by loading more plasma.
Wight Statistics