Detect Hidden

Detect Hidden is used to reveal Hidden or Invisible players and Traps. The skill must be Invoked and a target reticle will appear. Target a location you wish to reveal in and if the player is hidden in that area and if successful, they will be revealed. The further the hidden character is from your targetted location, the less chance to detect successfully. Detect hidden works against both Hidden, stealthed and invisible characters. Invisible characters are easiest to detect than that of a mage who cast invisibility. Detect Hidden when used in a friended or owned house is always 100% successful. Detect hidden is useful for removing faction traps and pairs well with Tracking.
At least 50 points in Lockpicking and Detect Hidden are required to start training the Remove Trap skill. Tinkering is paired well with these skills to remove faction traps.
Recommended Training
- 0-50: Buy from Thieves Guild NPC
- 50-100: Use detect hidden on self