
Anatomy is a supplementary skill that enhances weapon damage and bandage healing. Anatomy can be raised by using the skill and selecting a creature or player or it will go up on its own as a player participates in melee or Archery combat. Anatomy levels up slightly faster from Melee and Archery combat against humanoid creatures.
Anatomy is required for the Stun ability when combined with the Wrestling skill. See Wrestling for details about Stun.
Anatomy is also taken into consideration when calculating the chances of a successful Stun for Wrestling, Crushing Blow for Mace fighters using a two handed mace, Paralyzing Blow for Fencers using a spear and Concussion Blow for Sword fighters wielding an axe.
The Anatomy and Evaluate Intelligence skills work together to provide a passive defensive wrestling ability. As it is passive, you do not have a chance to actively hit a player but it does provide a mitigation against incoming melee attacks. This can be used to avoid putting Wrestling on your Template.
Damage Enhancement
The damage bonus from Anatomy is applied using this equation (Anatomy / 5) as a percentage (20% at 100 skill).
Healing Enhancement
60 Anatomy is required to Cure with Bandages. 80 Anatomy is required to Resurrect a player with Bandages.
Recommended Training
Anatomy can be trained by directly using the anatomy skill on another player or passively by using one of the following skills: