Slayer Types

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Slayer Weapons

Slayer Weapons are both player crafted in the Britain Crafting Area and found from chests and monster loot. They do extra damage to their indicated Slayer Group, in addition to the Weapon Modifiers and exceptional crafting bonuses from player made items. Melee, ranged, spellbooks, and even musical instruments can have Slayer Types applied to them.

Slayer Weapons are grouped into two different categories: Super Slayers and Lesser Slayers. Super Slayers are weapons that do double damage against a whole category of Monsters where Lesser Slayers do double damage against a more specific group of Monsters under a Super Slayer group. Lesser slayers will do slightly more damage to their indicated monster type than Super Slayers.

You will know that a Slayer Weapon is working by the dark star graphic that appears on the Slayer Type that the Slayer Weapon is designed against:

A Valiant image captured by Khan showing the dark star a Psychedelic Drake as they land a blow!

Slayer Armor

Slayer Armor will reduce hit and spell damage by 50% as well as grant 75% spell poison resist chance. The chance of getting this bonus is scaled by the number of slayer pieces you have for that particular foe (e.g. if you have 2 pieces out of 6, then you only have a 33% chance of getting this 50% damage reduction). When you are hit by the corresponding slayer monster, a flash/sound occurs on your character, similar to using a slayer weapon. More information can be found in the Slayer Armor page.

You will know that your Slayer Armor is working by the silver circle that appears on your character whenever you are hit by the Slayer Type that the Slayer Armor is designed to protect against:

A Valiant image captured by Khan showing the silver circle on his character when taking a mighty blow from a Psychedelic Drake.

Slayer Groups

Each Slayer Type has an associated Slayer Group which also has an Opposing Group. Historically, you would find the Slayer Types Opposing Groups Slayer Weapons when hunting those Slayer Group Monsters. For example, if you wanted to find "Silver" weapons, you would hunt Orcish Leaders, Ogre Lords, Evil Mage Lords, etc... because these are "Humanoid" Slayer Groups that would, in theory, have weapons ready for fighting their opposing group "Undead".


  • Humanoids are creatures that are living, bipedal, and have human-like features.
  • Humanoid's Opposing Group is the "Undead" Group where historically these Slayer Weapons can be found, such as Bone Knights, Lich, Lich Lords, etc...


Slayer Name Slayer Type Effective Against
Repond Super Slayer Arctic Ogre Lord, Ogre, Ogre Lord

Brigands, Non-Player Humans

Cyclops, Titan


Evil Mage, Evil Mage Lord

Frost Troll, Troll

Meer Captain, Meer Eternal, Meer Mage, Meer Warrior

Orc, Orc Bomber, Orc Brute, Orc Captain, Orcish Lord, Orcish Mage, Orcish Mine Overseer, Orc Leader, Orc Mine Bomber, Orc Miner

Ratman, Ratman Archer, Ratman Mage

Savage Rider, Savage Shaman, Savage


Lummox Mage (Portal), Lummox War Hero (Portal), Lummox Warrior (Portal)

Minotaur War Hero (Portal), Minotaur Warrior (Portal)

Ogre Trashing

Slayer Name Slayer Type Effective Against
Ogre Trashing Lesser Slayer Arctic Ogre Lord, Ogre, Ogre Lord

Orc Slaying

Slayer Name Slayer Type Effective Against
Orc Slaying Lesser Slayer Orc, Orc Bomber, Orc Brute, Orc Captain, Orcish Lord, Orcish Mage, Orcish Mine Overseer, Orc Leader, Orc Mine Bomber, Orc Miner

Troll Slaughter

Slayer Name Slayer Type Effective Against
Troll Slaughter Lesser Slayer Frost Troll, Troll


  • Undead are creatures that have been brought back from the dead.
  • Undead's Opposing Group is the "Humanoid" Group where historically these Slayer Weapons can be found, such as Orcs, Ogres, Trolls, etc...


Slayer Name Slayer Type Effective Against
Silver Super Slayer Ancient Lich, Lich, Lich Lord


Bone Knight, Bone Mage, Skeleton, Skeletal Knight, Skeletal Mage

Darknight Creeper

Flesh Golem

Ghoul, Rotting Corpse, Zombie

Gore Fiend

Hell Steed, Skeletal Mount

Lady Of The Snow

Liche Khan (boss)

Locke Cole (boss)

Mummy, Pestilent Bandage

Revenant, Revenant Lion

Shadow Knight

Shade, Spectre, Wraith


Dream Wraith (Portal), Maddening Horror (Portal), Undead War Dog (Portal)


  • Fey are creatures that of Sylvan decent which always have Positive Karma.
  • Fey's Opposing Group is the "Abyss" Group where historically these Slayer Weapons can be found, such as Balrons, Deamons, Gargoyles, etc...


Slayer Name Slayer Type Effective Against
Fey Super Slayer Centaur


Ethereal Warrior


Lord Oaks


Phoenix Matriarch





ML Dryad



  • Elementals are creatures created from various elements that can be found within Sosaria.
  • Elemental's Opposing Group is the "Abyss" Group where historically these Slayer Weapons can be found, such as Balrons, Deamons, Gargoyles, etc...

Elemental Ban

Slayer Name Slayer Type Effective Against
Elemental Ban Super Slayer Acid Elemental, Toxic Elemental, Poison Elemental, Greater Poison Elemental

Agapite Elemental, Bronze Elemental, Copper Elemental, Dull Copper Elemental, Golden Elemental,

Iron Elemental, Shadow Iron Elemental, Valorite Elemental, Verite Elemental, Magnetite Elemental

Air Elemental, Summoned Air Elemental

Blood Elemental, Greater Blood Elemental, Blood Vortex

Crystal Elemental, Crystal Vortex

Earth Elemental, Summoned Earth Elemental, Deep Earth Elemental


Fire Elemental, Summoned Fire Elemental, Magma Elemental, Pyroclastic Elemental

Ice Elemental, Snow Elemental

Kaze Kemono, RaiJu

Sand Vortex

Water Elemental, Summoned Water Elemental, Deep Water Elemental

Blood Drinking

Slayer Name Slayer Type Effective Against
Blood Drinking Lesser Slayer Blood Elemental, Greater Blood Elemental, Blood Vortex

Earth Shatter

Slayer Name Slayer Type Effective Against
Earth Shatter Lesser Slayer Agapite Elemental, Bronze Elemental, Copper Elemental, Dull Copper Elemental, Golden Elemental,

Iron Elemental, Shadow Iron Elemental, Valorite Elemental, Verite Elemental, Magnetite Elemental

Crystal Vortex

Earth Elemental, Summoned Earth Elemental, Deep Earth Elemental

Greater Blood Elemental

Elemental Health

Slayer Name Slayer Type Effective Against
Elemental Health Lesser Slayer Poison Elemental, Greater Poison Elemental

Flame Dousing

Slayer Name Slayer Type Effective Against
Flame Dousing Lesser Slayer Fire Elemental, Summoned Fire Elemental, Magma Elemental, Pyroclastic Elemental

Summer Wind

Slayer Name Slayer Type Effective Against
Summer Wind Lesser Slayer Snow Elemental, Ice Elemental


Slayer Name Slayer Type Effective Against
Vacuum Lesser Slayer Air Elemental, Summoned Air Elemental

Water Dissipation

Slayer Name Slayer Type Effective Against
Water Dissipation Lesser Slayer Water Elemental, Summoned Water Elemental, Deep Water Elemental


  • Little is known where Abyss are creatures are from, however many speculate they reside from an evil plane as they are always Negative Karma.
  • Abyss' Opposing Group is both "Elemental" and "Fey" Groups where historically these Slayer Weapons can be found, such as Blood Elementals, Pyroclastic Elementals, Unicorns, Wisps, etc...


Slayer Name Slayer Type Effective Against
Exorcism Super Slayer Abysmal Horror

Arch Demon (boss),


Bone Daemon

Chaos Daemon, Arcane Daemon

Daemon, Summoned Daemon, Ice Fiend,

Demon Knight, Shadow Knights


Gargoyle, Stone Gargoyle, Burning Gargoyle, Fire Gargoyle, Flaming Gargoyle, Enslaved Gargoyle, Gargoyle Destroyer, Gargoyle Enforcer, Scorching Gargoyle, Smoldering Gargoyle


Horde Minion

Imp, Nether Imp, Burning Imp




Devourer (Portal), Abysmal Horror (Portal), Dark Father (Portal)


Balron Damnation

Slayer Name Slayer Type Effective Against
Balron Damnation Lesser Slayer Arch Demon (boss), Balron

Daemon Dismissal

Slayer Name Slayer Type Effective Against
Daemon Dismissal Lesser Slayer Abysmal Horror


Bone Daemon

Chaos Daemon, Arcane Daemon

Daemon, Summoned Daemon, Ice Fiend

Demon Knight



Horde Minion





Gargoyles Foe

Slayer Name Slayer Type Effective Against
Gargoyles Foe Lesser Slayer Fire Gargoyle, Gargoyle, Stone Gargoyle, Enslaved Gargoyle, Gargoyle Destroyer, Gargoyle Enforcer


  • Arachnid are spider-like creatures which were first discovered during the opening of the Lost Lands.
  • Arachnid's Opposing Group is the "Reptilian" Group where historically these Slayer Weapons can be found, such as Ancient Wyrms, Dragons, Ophidians, etc...

Arachnid Doom

Slayer Name Slayer Type Effective Against
Arachnid Doom Super Slayer Abnormal Dread Spider, Dread Spider, Frost Spider, Giant Black Widow, Giant Spider, Gilbarta, Mephitis (boss)


Terathan Avenger, Terathan Drone, Terathan Matriarch, Terathan Warrior

Scorpions Bane

Slayer Name Slayer Type Effective Against
Scorpions Bane Lesser Slayer Scorpion

Spiders Death

Slayer Name Slayer Type Effective Against
Spiders Death Lesser Slayer Dread Spider, Frost Spider, Giant Black Widow, Giant Spider, Mephitis, Abnormal Dread Spider


Slayer Name Slayer Type Effective Against
Terathan Lesser Slayer Terathan Avenger, Terathan Drone, Terathan Matriarch, Terathan Warrior


  • Reptilians are creatures of lizard or serpent descent.
  • Reptilian's Opposing Group is the "Arachnid" Group where historically these Slayer Weapons can be found, such as Dread Spiders, Terathan Avengers, Terathan Matriarch, etc...

Reptilian Death

Slayer Name Slayer Type Effective Against
Reptilian Death Super Slayer Akor (Boss), Ancient Wyrm, Shadow Wyrm, White Wyrm

Deep Sea Serpent, Sea Serpent

Greater Dragon, Elder Dragon, Dragon,

Dragon (Portal), Ancient Wyrm (Portal), Shadow Wyrm (Portal)

Bahamut (boss)

Drake, Pathaleo Drake

Fafnir (boss)

Giant Ice Worm, Ice Serpent, Giant Serpent, Lava Serpent, Silver Serpent

Hiryu, Lesser Hiryu

Ice Snake, Lava Snake, Snake

Juka Lord, Juka Mage, Juka Warrior


Ophidian Archmage, Ophidian Knight, Ophidian Mage, Ophidian Matriarch, Ophidian Warrior



Serpentine Dragon

Skeletal Dragon

Swamp Dragon



Dragon Slaying

Slayer Name Slayer Type Effective Against
Dragon Slaying Lesser Slayer Akor (boss), Ancient Wyrm, Shadow Wyrm, White Wyrm

Dragon (Portal), Ancient Wyrm (Portal), Shadow Wyrm (Portal)


Fafnir (boss)

Greater Dragon, Elder Dragon, Dragon

Drake, Pathaleo Drake

Hiryu, Lesser Hiryu


Serpentine Dragon

Skeletal Dragon

Swamp Dragon


Lizardman Slaughter

Slayer Name Slayer Type Effective Against
Lizardman Slaughter Lesser Slayer Lizardman


Slayer Name Slayer Type Effective Against
Ophidian Lesser Slayer Ophidian Archmage, Ophidian Knight, Ophidian Mage, Ophidian Matriarch, Ophidian Warrior

Snakes Bane

Slayer Name Slayer Type Effective Against
Snakes Bane Lesser Slayer Deep Sea Serpent, Sea Serpent

Giant Ice Worm, Giant Serpent, Ice Serpent, Lava Serpent, Silver Serpent

Ice Snake, Lava Snake, Snake

