House Instance Clearer

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This is a special deed that will increase the number of items that your bank can hold.


This is a special deed that can be used on a player in order to increase the Bank space. This will increase the current Bank space by 15 items up to a maximum of 300 item count in a single players Bank.

Patch Notes

Using the Clearer

The House Instance Person Clearer will remove all people (other than the user) from a house instance including offline people. This would be best utilized for players you no longer want to have access to your Instance House. Players that might have logged off characters inside, hidden, or visually present. This will eject those individuals.

Used to remove everyone except user from Instance House.

The House Instance Rune Clearer will remove all runes linked to a house instance. This would be best utilized if over time several players might have been shared marked runes to your Instanced Home and will help to blanket remove all runes. That way the players you no longer want to have runes will have their runes removed and will no longer have access.

Used to clear all marked runes to Instance House.

In the presented scenarios above, it likely would be best to use both so that once ejected you would also wipe their rune or vice versa. That way you can make sure your home remains safe and only those players you want to have access can be inside.


The House Instance Clearer items will be purchasable with 2500 Donation Coins from .insert vendor. located in front of the West Britain Bank.

.insert picture.