Bomberman is an event modeled after the real Bomberman game. Players are sent into a customizable arena and are given a special Bomb Bag that can be used to blow up walls to collect Powerups and reach (and eliminate!) the other players. This event is always available and the Bomberman Arena can host multiple Bomberman games at one time. Each game can have up 8 players with with 7 different Bomberman Arena Types that can range from 7x7 to 25x25 tiles. It should be noted that while player pets are allowed in the Bomberman Arena, you cannot have any current Pet Slots in use if you wish to join or start a game. This includes Ethereal mounts, pets sitting in a home, or Hirelings/Summons.
How to Play
The community would like to thank the following brave adventurers who contributed their time and experiences for others to enjoy:
- Bo
- MsBabyDoll