Meta Pets

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A Dragon Egg


Meta Pets were introduced in Publish 4 on September 5th, 2014. Currently there is only one Meta Pet which is the Meta Dragon. Meta Dragons can be obtained by killing the Dragon Progenitor in a Random Dungeon Adventure. Once you've killed the Dragon Progenitor, he has a chance to drop a Dragon Egg. The Dragon Egg comes in a variety of hues and determines the color of the Meta Dragon that it hatches.

Meta Pets can learn Meta skills from Meta Relics which can also be obtained from Random Dungeon Adventures. Meta Pets can hold a total of 4 Meta Relics at once. If a Meta Relic is removed, all progress in that skill will be lost. Returning the relic to the Meta Pet will not return its skill for that relic.

Met Skills all have different cool downs and application rates. Meta Skills only work against untamed creatures. They will not be usable against players or other tamed creatures and are only applicable in PvM content. Meta Skills can be applied with a Meta Stone.

Meta Pets level up by killing creatures. All damage done to a creature is saved and then given out to damaging Meta-Pets upon their death. Experience cannot be gained while in a house. A mob cannot give total experience > its max hit points. This means you cannot farm the same mob for an indefinite amount of time. The owner of the Meta-Pet must be in the general vicinity of the pet for it to gain experience. If a Meta-Pet dies, it will lose experience equal to the amount of remaining hit points on the mob it was fighting.

Meta Skills

  • Molten Breath
Chance to breath fire in a line at your current combatant. All creatures within this line will take moderate damage. When the line of fire hits its target, a small explosion takes place and damage all enemies within a small radius of the impact location.
  • Noxious Blood
A poisonous explosion of your pets blood will take place on a small chance whenever it is damaged. All creatures within the vicinity of your pet will be poisoned.
  • Quicksilver
Your pet gains a burst of speed while attacking, greatly increasing his dexterity and returning all of his stamina. This lasts for a very short time.
  • Wealth
Your pet will find extra gold on the corpse of each mob that it kills.
  • Blood Talons
Your pet has a chance to apply a small damage over time to its combatant. This ticks once ever 0.5 seconds for a total of 10 ticks.

Meta Stone

The Meta Stone is an item purchased from the Donation Vendor or the Unique Wears Vendor. It is used to apply Meta Relics to your Meta Pet, as well as view it's level progress of Relic Skills.


  • Dragon Hatchling
This is when your Meta-Dragon is at his weakest. He cannot yet cast spells but applies lesser poison on hit. This pet looks like a snake. Requires 50 taming.
  • Dragon Hatchling (Phase 2)
Your dragon is still quite weak but has doubled in strength and gained his first ability slot. He will now use normal poison while attacking. This pet looks like a larger snake. Requires 60 taming.
  • Dragon Youngling
Your pet has once again become stronger. He still does not know any magic but can now use greater poison when it striker. He has grown legs and looks like a komodo dragon. Requires 85 taming.
  • Dragon Whelpling
Your dragon has finally gained magic but at the cost of poisoning on hit. His AI has changed from melee to mage. He has also gained the ability to breath fire and an ability slot is gained at this level. Your pet is finally starting to look like a dragon and takes on the form of a swamp dragon. Requires 90 taming.
  • Young Dragon
Your dragon has gained in size, skills and strength. He has taken on the form of a young dragon. Requires 100 taming.
  • Mature Dragon
Your dragon has once again gained in strength and unlocked a new ability slot. He is now a larger form of dragon. Requires 110 taming.
  • Elder Dragon
Your pet has entered its final form. It has gained its final ability slot. Requires 120 taming.

Images of Stages

Dragon Hatchling Dragon Hatchling: Phase 2 Dragon Youngling Dragon Whelpling Young Dragon Mature Dragon Mature Dragon
Dragon Hatchling Dragon Hatchling (Phase 2) Dragon Youngling Dragon Whelpling Young Dragon Mature Dragon Elder Dragon