Buccaneer's Den

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Buccaneer's Den
Buccaneer's Den


Buccaneer's Den is a free for all zone, when you are in this area you will be grey and open to attack from others with no repercussions. Virtue: None

Sigil: None

Control Point: None


Points of Interest

  • 1. Entrance to tunnel system underneath town. Another hidden entrance can be found around 38°35'S 95°45'E.
  • 2. Pirate's Den (Thieves Guild)
  • 3. Teleporter to west of Vesper
  • 4. Moongate

Tunnels / Solen Hives

Within the winding tunnel system you will find some creatures crawling around. Be on the look out for: red solen worker, black solen worker, red solen queen, black solen queen and red solen infiltrators.