Donations (Overdrive)
Overdrive is completely free to play but donations are always appreciated. Donations cover everything you see - paying staff, server fee's, ads, you name it. The reason UOForever has lasted so long (9+ Years) is because it has always invested directly back into the community and server ensuring longevity. We offer only offer aesthetic or quality of life items and do not provide items which will give other players advantages (no pay 2 win).
Purchasing and Receiving Overdrive Coins
You can purchase them from
Please ensure you fill out your exact account and character name. We use paypal, however you do not need a paypal account to purchase, just a valid email and CC.
Once you purchase, the coins will be placed in your characters bank within 24-48 hours (normally within 5 hrs.).
Where do i see what goods are available? You can view which items are available on the "Donation Vendor" by the West Britain Bank. Once you buy an item it will go into your bank account and will be blessed.
- Can I sell Overdrive coins to other players in game? Yes, You can also sell the coins to other players if you wish for gold (which helps those who may not be able to donate).
- Can I trade Overdrive coins for UOForever coins or vice versa? No form of cross server trading is not allowed.
- Can I trade items on UOForever for Overdrive coin? No form of cross server trading is not allowed.