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Revision as of 05:45, 21 October 2014

This is how UO Forever currently figures melee damage.
This formula does not take into account damage absorption by armor or any other means.

Formula: ((basedamage + QualityModifier) * bonus) where bonus =

bonus += Math.Min(100.0, attacker.Str) / 500.0 +
bonus += Math.Min(anatomyValue, 100.0) / 500.0 + if (anatomy == 100)(bonus +0.1) +
bonus += (Math.Min(tacticsValue, 100) - 50.0) / 100.0 +
bonus += Math.Floor(lumberValue / 285);
Explanation and Example
Formula Description Example
((basedamage + QualityModifier) * bonus) where bonus = (Weapon Base Damage + Exceptional Modifier) * Bonus (35+7) * 1.35 =
bonus += Math.Min(100.0, attacker.Str) / 500.0 + Lowest of (100 and Your Strength) / 500 + 0.2 +
bonus += Math.Min(anatomyValue, 100.0) / 500.0 + if (anatomy == 100)(bonus +0.1) + Lowest of (Your Anatomy and 100) / 500 + (Additional .1 if GM Anatomy) + 0.3 +
bonus += (Math.Min(tacticsValue, 100) - 50.0) / 100.0 + Lowest of ((Your Tactics and 100) -50) / 100 + 0.5 +
bonus += Math.Floor(lumberValue / 285); Rounded Down (Your Lumberjacking / 285); 0.35;

The above information was based on a character with 100 Tactics, 100 Anatomy, 100 Lumber-jacking, and 100 Strength; getting a 35 roll of damage on whatever axe he/she would have had equipped.
The Quality modifier was found by adding 20 percent to the base damage. (This may be incorrect)