Patch Update []

Replaces the current functionality of “pack instincts” to allow pets to get better at fighting together and both to apply extra damage.
- Current pack instincts matches will gain extra experience (4x)
- Summons will gain XP much faster. (10x)
- Increased the pack instinct range from 3 to 8.
- No longer applies bonus damage to players.
- Pack instincts provided an additional flat bonus per near by pet.
- New Formula will take pet slots into account.
- Old Formula: for each nearby pet +25 bonus.
- New Formula: each nearby + Synergy Level * 1.5 * pet control slots
- XP required per level (5000 * (1.35^Level))
- XP is gained when a mob dies.
- Test Center will display the XP gained per kill and increase XP gained by 100.
- System will take the greater of the old formula or current synergy formula when providing the bonus.
Clash Tournaments
- Entering a tournament or leaving a tournament will clear all aggression flags.
- Added enforcement for skill restriction base on specified rules.
- Poisoning skill’s poison buff will not be applied if Poisoning Skill is restricted
- Added enforcement of potion restriction based on specified rules.
- You will no longer be able to complete casting a precasted spell in spectate mode, or entering the arena.
- Added rule to configure whether participants can prepare for the tournament prior to the round starting.
- Potions cannot explode if they’re attached to a spectator.
- Participants will always be able to damage or heal members in a battle regardless of other conditions like militia status.
- Added Clash Leagues which are a ranking system for individuals tracked per tournament type, tournament definition, arena, rules
- Only public rules are tracked
- Duels will always be “unofficial”.
- Added leader boards that can be configured by staff.
- Fixed bug where entry fees aren’t restored when the duel gump is closed before the team area is built.
- Added “Would you like to duel again” menu option after completing a duel.
- Hitting accept will invite all participants, charge the entry fees again, and restore the same settings.
- Added warning if the duel is a for loot duel.
- Fixed occasional Crash when moving players around
- Fixed bug when reloading an active tournament causing saves to get corrupted
- Added additional stat tracking when participanting in duels or tournaments.
- Added and removed some skills from the skill restrictions in rules
- Fixed bug with buffs effects being reapplied after a battle without the actual buff allowing for stats to get out of whack
Ultimate Donation Vendor
- Added hair styles, as well as the options for only a beard and hair dye. (To be pushed to live)
- Added talisman dyes, the preview will show the same pets as the meta pet dye menu. (To be pushed to live)
- All menus should keep their position now when navigating through the system.
- Armor slots are now a check instead of an amount, if the amount was 1 or higher it will now be checked.
- If you’re wearing a item in the layer that the armor would be in, the restock will no withdraw the equipment.
Necro Talisman
- Summons will no longer instantly fall when the talisman is unequipped. It will now wait 5 seconds and if the talisman is still unequipped the summons will fall.
- Essentia Tap will provide both mana and healing for all summons.
- Fixed Summons from no longer granting XP after a server restart.
Pet Management
- Client version will add a button next to your follower count allowing you to track or dismiss pets that haven’t been given a command for over 5 minutes.
- Tracking requires 80 tracking skill.
- Dismissing your pet will essentially speed up time so that if your pet is a pet that would regularly be returned to stables it will be. If it would go untamed, it will do that.
Resource Gathering
- Recoded to enforce respawn of resources regardless after a maximum amount of time regardless of other factors.
- Lumberjacking will no longer occasionally pop up the AFK checker when using the axe, and will now only popup upon harvesting. This will allow your character to chop at a tree but will not give resources when under the de-buff.
Random Fixes:
- Fixed the (visual only) bug where exceptional leather armor appears to be identified.
- Boards are now combustible like their log counterparts.
- Added a “Claim List” option when clicking an animal trainer.
- Added a Slayer type of Repond/Exorcism to the Warden.
- Fixed Mail html injection to allow messages with <3 but not <tag>
- Fixed issue with some check boxes not correctly working. (Butler Menu)
- Fixed option on spawner to disable speed up from contracts.