Forever Clash Tournament – Real Value.

Hail and well met!

This Sunday, December 8th there will be a Ultima Online tournament for the skilled, brave and willing. The winners of this tournament will each get to decide of taking donation coins, or actual money (via paypal).

The events will begin at 6:00PM CST.

Forever Clash System Explained:

Forever Paintball is a 2-4 team paintball match. Each team starts in their own designated area and the goal is to not only kill the opposing teams, but also to capture their flag! With this you have active abilities from smoke bombs which hide your team to paint bombs will help obliterate the opposing teams!

All paintball winners will receive blood coins and tournament tickets.

Forever Tournaments is much like the previous tournament system on Ultima Online Forever. 1v1’s, 2v2’s and more. If set to do so, you can also bet wagers on each duel!

All 1v1 Tournament winners will get their choice of $25.00 USD (via paypal) or 5,000 Donation Coins, blood coins and tournament tickets.

Forever Capture The Flag is where 2-4 teams battle it out while trying to capture the opposing teams flag for points. During this you can kill the opposing teams using your weapon of choice, or magery!

All Capture The Flag Winners will receive blood coins and tournament tickets.

Forever Free For All is exactly that. No teams, no joining forces, just chaos. It’s every man for themselves and the winner takes all!

All Free For All Winners will receive their choice of $25.00 USD (via paypal) or 5,000 donation coins, blood coins and tournament tickets.

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