Winter Dungeon

December 6th – February 28
Winter Cloth

All mobs in the Winter Dungeon can drop 2350 Indigo Ice Cloth!

Lord Belmont, the wealthy mine owner, lived a life of luxury in his grand mansion just outside his mine. One winter, the snow clan orcs invaded the mine, and claimed it as their own. They started raiding the mansion, taking prisoners to use as slaves.
Lord Belmont was determined to protect his family and home so he hired mercenaries to battle against the orcs. However, they soon discovered that the orcs were not their only enemy…
Deep within the Temple of Frost there’s secret passage led to a hidden chamber where a powerful ancient lich has been imprisoned for centuries. He’s been using his dark magic to control the orcs to get revenge on the world that had imprisoned him. Through the power of the ancient lich, the orcs were able to overpower Lord Belmont mercenaries and take them as prisoners.
Lord Belmont’s once grand mansion now sits mostly empty, and the mines are overrun by orcs. A few hired fighters have stayed behind to protect Lord Belmont’s assets.
What can you get around Winterkeep?

Holly planter, fancy dish shelf (turnable with a deco tool), ice queen gargish wall piece (turnable with a deco tool.).
Belmont Jail

The jail is where Lord Belmont sent workers and villagers who didn’t follow the rules. Some daemons have found their way into the jails. Some prisoners are still jailed here, but have gone insane from the influence of the daemons.

You can get an ocean glacier horned mask (Turns with a deco tool), and a fallon hour glass.
Library of Mages

Vampires have taken up residence in the Library of Mages. They seem to be looking for knowledge in the books on taming daemons. They have successfully summoned some balrons to fight for them

In the Library of Mages you can get these icy water trough. (They drop in deed form).
Do You Want to Build a Snow Globe?

Build your own dyable snow globe! Combine the needed items and you will be rewarded with one of three the available snow globes.

Collect crystal balls from evil mages, and magic snow from snow elementals.
Frozen Caverns

Level 1 Entrance located at 6326, 2600 outside Winterkeep.

Level 2 Frozen Caverns entrance located at 6278, 2724 outside of Winterkeep.
The Frozen Caverns are rich with minerals and metals. Lord Belmont flourished for years making money off of the mine. Until one year orcs came in from the mountains and took control of it. You can find many orcs inside overseeing human slaves as they mine the precious materials.
What can you find in the Frozen Cavern

Frostwood log pile (turns with a deco tool), glacial water trickle (Turns with a deco tool), and frostwood baricades (turns with a deco tool).
Arctic Ogre Cave

Inside the Frozen Cavern is a ogre den that miners call “Arctic Ogre Cave”. The guards have cleared this den many time, but ogres keep returning. The cave entrance can found next to the Frozen Caverns level 2 exit.

You can get an unfortunate adventurer bone container in this cave.
Frigid Arachnid Den

It’s unusual to find spiders in such a frigid climate, but the spiders in the Frigid Arachnid Den are different. This breed of spider has embraced the cold, and anything looking for shelter against the cold in their den will be food. The entrance to the den can be found in the level 1 Frozen Cavern across from the Winterkeep entrance.

Among the loot you can find here is a glacial baby spider in a web.
Arctic Mine

The Arctic Mine is a secondary mine that was opened up next to the Frozen Caverns. This mine was used to mine normal ores, where blacksmiths directly smelted and created goods. Unfortunately, it now stands empty due to lizardmen and earth elementals invading it.

Here you can find: ice lizard specimen test tubes (can turn with a deco tool), magical snow (combination item: see Magical Snow Globes), and snowy sign holder (can turn with a deco tool).
Temple of Frost

When Lord Belmont purchased the land for his mine and castle, he was warned to keep away from the Temple of Frost. He built his guards barracks next to the temple to keep an eye on anything trying to get escape the temple. Sadly, the previous owner of the land didn’t disclose that the temple was used to trap an ancient arcane lich hellbent on world domination. Belmont did get a nice discount on the land because of it.

In the Temple of Frost you can get frozen smashed remains (turnable with a deco tool, an abominable snowman statue, and silk ice queen hue curtains (turnable with a deco tool, and transparent.)
Frozen Catacombs

One of the entrances to the frozen catacombs can be found in the Temple of Frost

Entrance to the other side of the catacombs can be found at 6209 2758 in Winterkeeps Cemetery.
The Frozen Catacombs was the first catacomb erected to for the previous owners dead. It was darkened by the ancient arcane that is now trapped in the Temple of Frost.

Here you can find a polar barrel mailbox (container) and snowy gravestones (each one is turnable with a deco tool.)
Frigid Crypt

The Frigid Crypt was built by Lord Belmont for the village and workers to have a place to lay their dead to rest.

Entrance can be found at 6182, 2764 in the Winterkeep’s cemetery.

You can get a steampunk clock of snow (turnable with a deco tool), smoking pipe (animated), and ice queen hued Achilles vase.
Chocolate Castle

Lord Belmont has an insatiable sweet tooth. He hired a witch that can conjure up the best chocolate in all of Sosaria. This witches secret to getting the chocolate is to enter a pocket plane made purely out of confection. For easy access she hid an invisible portal inside the Winterkeep castle. To enter you must know the exact location and password.

The witch keeps the password written down on a piece of parchment so she won’t forget.
Lord Belmont isn’t the only one residing in Winterkeep with a sweet tooth. A guard stole the witches stash of confections that contains the exact location of the gate. You may find the information you need in that chest!
Are You Feeling Lucky?

While hunting in the Chocolate Castle you may find a “Candyland token”

Insert a Candyland Token in the gumball machine! Make sure your pack is not heavy when you insert a coin! If you are too heavy the machine will eat your coin and give nothing.

The gumball machine will give you a candy cache.

Among many items you can get a giant ice cream cone (dyable).
Vulture’s Peak Tundra

Vulture’s Peak Tundra is back this year! This area is extremely dangerous, not just because of monsters, but because of other people. This land is no-cut, and everyone is grey.

The entrance to Vulture’s Peak Tundra is blocked by a wall for some reason. But some well place explosives will fix that!

Entrance Level 1 Frozen Cavern

Entrance in the Frozen Catacombs

Entrance in Arctic Mine

Some items can get here are snowy headstones (turnable with a deco tool), and a toy chests (container).
Indigo Ice Furniture
In Vulture’s Peak Tundra mobs can drop a bottle of indigo ice paint. Collecting 10 bottles and combining with wood will reward you with a random piece of Indigo Ice Furniture.

Beware of Mimics!

Treasure hunters beware! During your search for treasure you may encounter a mimic! Mimics are demons that disguise themselves as treasure chests in order to lure unsuspecting people to their deaths. You will need at least 60 lockpicking skill to open these monstrous chests. When attempting to take a mimics loot it will spit its acidic blood at you. Standing in the blood will cause damage.
Get Your Own Mimic Chest!
While looting a mimic you have a chance of collecting its blood. If you collect enough you can make your own pet mimic that is at your disposal as a container.

Snow Sapphire Busts

In the winter dungeon, you can collect snow sapphires and make a snow sapphire bust. There are 15 different busts you can get, plus a rare chance of getting a giant bust. Snow sapphire busts are hue 2057 Ametrine. Can you collect them all?

To get the snow sapphires, find snow sapphire stone and mine them. You’ll need at least 60 mining to be able to harvest anything from these stones.
Legendary Winter Leather Gear

These special colored leather armor are aesthetic only, and can be blessed with a clothing bless deed. To obtain a piece of these armors you will need to collect the blood of 7 different mini bosses of the winter dungeon. Collecting all 7 mini boss blood will grant you ONE random leather armor piece.

Mini Bosses
To craft the coveted Legendary Winter Leather Gear, you’ll need to collect Blood from each of the 7 Winter Dungeon Mini-Bosses! Gather your allies, stay vigilant, and prepare for battle. Each Mini-Boss spawns randomly twice a week.
Platinum Wyrm

Platinum wyrms have been known to nest on high grounds around Winterkeep. They are usually away hunting prey, but if they sense their nest is in danger they will fly back to kill whomever dares to disturb her eggs.
HITS – 20,000
ABILITIES – Icy Breath, Claw
Slayer – Reptilian

Hill Giant

Hill giants aren’t exactly common in this area, but they do wander close to the Winterkeep from time to time. They have brute strength, and some knowledge of the arcane.
HITS – 30,000
ABILITIES – Executioner’s Strike, Stunning Charge
Slayer – Repond

Yetis are vile and vicious beings that love to gnaw on the bones of humans and other large creatures. They are territorial with other yetis, which is why you will only see one at a given time. Miners have reporter yetis in the orc cave in the Frozen Carvern Mines.
HITS – 30,000
ABILITIES – Claw, Empowered Bite
Slayer – Repond
Mr. Frosty

Legends say there’s a magical top hat that appears in Vulture’s Peak Tundra during winter. This hat has the ability to make anything come to life. Maybe you can build a snowman and give him life? Be warned snowmen are…. cold blooded.
HITS – 25,000
ABILITIES – Icy breath, Corrosive Blood, and Multi- Strike
Slayer – Elemental

If you find the magical hat, then you can start building a living snowman. Just double click to make a snowy beast!
Arctic Arachnid Queen

These terrifying arctic arachnids thrive in frozen environments. The queen of these species are very aggressive and will try to eliminate every living creature foolish enough to venture into her lair. They have been spotter in the spider infested cave in the Frozen Cavern.
HITS – 35,000
ABILITIES – Acid Spit and Widows Bite
Slayer – Arachnid
Frost Orc Chief

The frost orc clan values strength, and as such only the strongest male can be their chief. These chiefs pack a hefty punch and some ice magic. You can find the chief close to the throne in the orcs fort. Beware, the orcs don’t appreciate oomies in their home.
HITS – 35,000
ABILITIES – Frost Breath, Executioners Strike, and Multi-Strike
Slayer – Repond
Arcane Lich

This Arcane Lich is the one responsible for the manipulating the orcs to attack Winterkeep. He is trapped in the Frozen Temple, and can usually be found in the throne room. He has the ability to regenerate, so killing him is only temporary
HITS – 35,000
ABILITIES – Necrotic Ray and Decreptify
Slayer – Silver