Christmas Deco Competition 2024

The Holiday season is upon us! It’s time to see some festive house designs created by the players. This Competition is for both Forever AND Overdrive!

First place: 10k Dono, Golden Santa Head, and Santa’s Spellbook of the Undead. (2549, blessed silver slayer spellbook)
Second Place: Sliver Santa Head and 5k Dono
Third Place: Bronze Santa Head and 2.5k Dono

–All eligible participants will receive a cute gingerbread house (turns with a deco tool).

1. Deadline for submission is December 31st, 11:59PM CST. Anything posted after the deadline will be disqualified. (Even if it’s late by a second, do NOT be late!)
2. Post all of your screenshots in the 2024 Christmas Decoration Contest Forum post (UOF and Overdrive will each have their own post). Only post contest submissions in those threads. Keep in mind we do NOT judge the pictures. We will be judging your house in person on judgement day. It is recommended that you keep all deco in place until we call the winners.
3. One submission per player on each shard. If you play on both Overdrive and UOF, you can submit a house for each shard.
4. Do not enter the same decoration design from previous years or copy from an outside source. Any house designed/decorated by a staff member will not eligible to win. Must be completely player built/designed. It is ok to team up with other players. Note that the rewards will be locked down in the winning houses.
5. This is a decoration contest, having a house designed to fit your theme is good, but some form of Holiday decoration is required.
6. Post the (X,Y) Coordinates of your house in your post. We will visit each one in person on judgment day. If we can not visit your house, then we can not judge it. Pleeease do NOT submit with sextant coords.
7. WE WILL BE JUDGING ALL AREAS OF THE HOUSE! Utilize your space to the best of your ability. Yes, even cellars.
8. We will only judge actual houses. If you are submitting a house on a private island that allows decoration outside the plot, please note we will only judge based on the house itself.
Post Ultima Online: Forever submissions here:

A few tips for success
Have a theme to your entry. Example: Pirate themed, gingerbread house, Nightmare Before Christmas, Home Alone, ect. You can also choose to tell a story with the decor. Whatever tickles your fancy! Just make sure it’s Christmas related!
Have a story in your submission post. You don’t need to write a New York Times best seller. Just some kind of write up that explains your designs choices.
Use your space wisely! We judge based off of the ENTIRE house. not just one area. If an area seems to be lacking in sections it will hurt your score. The same is true for over doing it. It will hurt your score if it looks like a box of random Christmas deco exploded all over your house. Quantity<Quality
Small details can make a big impact. Creative use of ordinary items in ways not normally used can easily impress the judges.