Fall Dungeon

Open September 6 – November 30th

Lost Town of Ravenswood

Entrance Located at 1372 , 1471

The town of Ravenswood was once a normal town in Sosaria, much like Cove or Minoc. A sinister warlock conjured a horrible curse on the town that was spreading out and threatened all of Sosaria. The curse covered the town in a dense fog that made all of the residence vulnerable to demonic possession. Families were slaughtered by their own, the dead began to rise, and foul creatures spilled out from hellish rifts. A strong warrior named Effon prayed at the shrine of Sacrifice, asking the Gods to grant him the ability to destroy the evil curse. Before him a mighty sword appeared that could cleave out any curse. He returned to Ravenswood and thrusted his sword into the air, and swung his sword down into the dense putrid fog emanating from the town. To his dismay nothing seemed to have happened. The terrors that plagued the town was still there… Effon succumbed to the curse shortly after, becoming another abomination. Unknown to Effon, the sword actually worked, but not how he thought it would. The Gods granted him a sword that ripped Ravenswood from the mortal plane of existence. Forever separating it from the world, isolating the curse. Ravenswood, Effon, and all the villagers were wiped from all the citizens of Sosaria’s minds, as if they never existed.

What Can You Get in Ravenswood?

a crude skull display (turns with a decorating tool)
bloody spears (turns with a decorating tool)
an infernal shelf (Container, turns with a decorating tool)
an inferno hued fire elemental jack ‘olantern (animated)

infernal shelf container

Temple of the Void

Since the Lost Town of Ravenswood is cleaved from mortal plane, the only way to it is to venture through the Temple of the Void.

What’s in the Void?

Column of the Void – turns three ways with a decorating tool.
Painting of Lord Skellington – Turns with a deco tool
Corrupted Crystal Ball – animated
Candelabra of the Void

Void Furniture

Mobs in the Temple of the void can drop small vials of void paint. Collect 10 of these vials and combine with 5k wooden logs, and you get a void furniture cache. This cache will give you a random wooden furniture painted void.

Nocturnal Lair

Lair entrance located at 6975, 173

The Nocturnal Lair is home to not one, but two ancient shadow wyrms. In addition to the ancient shadow wyrms are dragons, drakes, vampire, and succubi.

Nocturnal Lair Loot

A stone beast statue hue 2075 (Turns with a decoration tool)
a bloody pentagram hue 2133 (Turns with a decoration tool)
Horned devil mask hue 338 (Turns with a decorative tool)
devil mask hue 338 (Turns with a decorative tool)
a bloody pentagram hue 2707 (Turns with a decorative tool)
a stone beast statue hue 2291 (Turns with a decorative tool)

Forsaken Crypt

Crypt entrance located at 6959, 200

The Forsaken Crypt was used as a general resting place for Ravenswood villagers. Since the corruption the crypt was overrun by the undead.

Loot Fit for a Tomb Raider

Corrupted crystal ball (off and animated)
Corrupted crystal ball (On and animated)
lantern of souls (animated deco only)
Crystal ball base

The Lab

Stairs to the lab located at 7006, 128

Come on up to the lab, and see what’s on the slab! The old community of Ravenswood had its fair share of people who dabbled in the art of science. Since the corruption the twisted scientist have turned to more nefarious scientific studies. From preforming live autopsies on still living subjects to turning innocent humans into abominations.

What’s Dropping at the Lab?

pulsating vein (Animated)
lymph node (Animated)
vein (can turn with a decoration tool)

The Mausoleum

Entrance located at 6975 , 131

The Mausoleum was used for the upper class citizens of Ravenswood. Expect to be greeted by liches and vampire’s in this area.

Shelves of Viscera

The mausoleum is one area that you can get the shelves of viscera. They drop in two directions and can be used as a container.

The Murder Cellar

Stairs located at 6859, 149

The murder cellar is found below a burnt down house in Ravenwood. The cellar is named after the vile atrocities that occurred during the corruption. The owner of the house went insane and began butchering people and hanging their corpses in the cellar. Daemons and vampires can be found in the cellar now.

You can get yourself an organ kebab (Turns with a deco tool) in the murder cellar. Looks great cooking over a fire!

The Infested Cellar

Infested cellar steps located at 6891.196

You can get a tribal talisman from the ratmen. The talisman turns with a decorating tool.

The Cursed Cathedral

The Ravenswood Cathedral was once a place of peace and worship. Now that the land is tainted the Cathedral is corrupted. It is now a haven some of the most sinister demons known to man. You can find the Cursed Cathedral on the North West Side of the Town of Ravenswood.

The Cursed Cathedral is home to vile creatures such as hell hounds, evil mages, undead executioners, ice fiends, liches, lich lords, and ancient liches.

What Drops in the Cathedral?

A fire demon Jack O’lantern (Animated)
bloody ice (transparent)
bloody basin
a hallowed tome
a hell hound squeaky toy (acts as a instrument with unique noises)

Sanctum of Sin

Entrance 6934 , 130

Castle of Sacrilege

The Castle of Sacrilege was once an institute for learning. You’ll find many bookcases filled with dusty old tomes, none of which have been touched in a long time. When the corruption hit the scholars inside where twisted into evil mages. These mages have turned their backs on their quest for knowledge, and only crave the torment of those they capture. The upper stacks have been converted to a prison, from which they take prisoners one by one to dissect alive. The other mages will watch in amusement while their victim screams fill these wretched halls.

Entrance located at 7006, 115
Castle of Sacrilege Level 2

10 Heads are Better than 1!

What a head case! You can loot a bloody executioner’s head crate! This crate can be used as a container. Just don’t mind the blood and brains…

Did Somebody Call the Exterminator?

Kill spiders in fall dungeon to get a jar with a skull in it. Break open the jar and see what kind of sugar skull you get. Collect all 6!

Ravenswood Sewage Facility

Stairs to the sewers are located at 6895 143

Along with Britain, Ravenswood was one of the first cities to get a sewage system. The system was an architectural wonder in Sosaria, too bad it was forgotten with the curse. Several of the non-human races, such as lizard men, ophidians, and orcs living close to Ravenswood were swept up with the corruption. These groups took refuge in the Ravenswood Sewage Facility living off of toxic waste and demonic flesh.

On the first floor of the sewers live the ophidian and lizardmen. You may also encounter a few ratmen and undead.

Ravenswood Sewer Level 2

Stairs to level 2 are located at 6902, 74

The second floor of the sewer is home to a tribe of orcs. These orcs are very territorial and will attack anyone they perceive as a threat.

Sewer Droppings

Toxic Sludge
Trickling toxic sludge (animated and turns with a deco tool)
rusty lamp (light that turns 4 ways with a deco tool)

What’s Biting in the Sewer!?

Keep a close eye out for ripples in the sewer water. There could be something lurking under the water. You’ll need to be at least a grandmaster fisherman to handle these fish!

Mount a Spooky Crappe!

Catch 2 spooky crappes in the sewers, and mount them to a sewer plaque that drops in the sewer! Place it over your fireplace for a great conversational piece! The sewer plaque drops somewhere in the sewers.

Hall of Monsters

The Hall of Monsters carry a collection difficult monsters inside. A demon that came to Ravenswood during the corruption, had a love for collecting powerful things. Being trapped in the Ravenswood curse, he found a way to scratch that itch of collecting by gathering other powerful creatures. He lured those creatures by making false deals, and double crossing them when they got inside. A powerful barrier keeps the prisoners inside, but others can come and go as they please.

Entrance 6941,114

A Bloody Statue

You can get a bloody winged vampire statue. (Turnable with a deco tool)

Bloody Terathan Tunnels

During the chaos of the corruption, this lair collapsed in on itself when a balron blew up a support beam. Everything inside was crushed. A clan of terathans that were caught in the corruption tunneled out the collapsed lair, and made it their hive. The darkening effect of the corruption made these terathans blood thirsty for human flesh.

Entrance 6934, 118

Bloody Terathan Drops

Bloody Barricade (Turns with a deco tool)
Bloody Terathan Torso (turns with a deco tool)
Bloody Terathan Warrior head (turns with a deco tool)
Bloody Terathan Drone head (turns with a deco tool)

Moo Moo Dairy Farm

Only the most brave farmers will work on the Moo Moo Dairy Farm. In order to get their milk sinfully delicious they feed their cows cursed hay. Moo Moo Dairy Farms is off limits to the general population for their safety. In order to gain entrance you need access to a special recall rune.

The workers on the farm have too much to worry about when it comes to visitors on the farm. They don’t care if you’re murdering or stealing from the other tourist. Also, due to a very nasty plow incident the owners of the farm has paid a grand master wizard to place an anti-decapitation charm on the farm. So in short, murders will not be reported and no heads can be chopped off. Nearly everything is fair game at Moo Moo dairy farms.

How to get a Rune to Moo Moo Farms

Get a Mooradric cube by combining moo cubes. To get moo cubes, worship the Bull King at the bull statues in the Temple of the Void.

Grab Burt’s peg leg off his corps.

Find tomes of town portal on the dusty shelves in the Castle of Sacrilege.

Milking Moo Moo Farms for Loot

Moo Moo Farms Fall Produce sign (Turns with a deco tool)
Dairy Shelf (Turns with a deco tool)
Devil-Kin Cow (Turns with a deco tool)
Demonic Cow (Turns with a deco tool)

Make Your Very Own Milk Pipe

An animated pipe that magically fills with demonic cow milk, and then empties.

Collect 7 bottles of demonic milk to make a demonic milk crate. Milk bottles drop from Moo Moo dairy cows. Combine 10 crates with iron ingots, and sand to complete the milk pipe.

Collect Amethyst Busts

Throughout the Fall Dungeon you will encounter amethyst stones. You can harvest minerals from these stones using a pickaxe. You’ll have a chance to get pristine amethyst gems, collect 10 of these gems to make a amethyst bust cache. Upon opening the cache you will receive a random bust. There are 15 small busts you can get. Starting this Fall the bust cache will have a small chance of giant bust.

Collect 10 pristine amethyst to make a bust cache.

All bust are turnable with a decorating tool.

Widow Dungeon Cloth

Mobs in Fall Dungeon have a chance of dropping hue 2291 Widow cloth!

Party Until You Drop!

Build a legendary Coffin Cooler! This Cooler can turn with a deco tool!

Find the Gut Punch Whiskey in the Temple of the Void

Find Brimstone Beer the Ravenswood Sewers

Find Red Rum in the Castle of Sacrilege

Gather crypt wood from the lesser undead in Ravenswood

Gather fiend ice by blowing up the ice left behind by ice fiends with explosion potions. These ice formations can be spawned by killing ice fiends.

Bobbing for Apples

You may come across some apple bobbing barrels while you explore Fall dungeon. Each barrel gives you three chances to bob for apples. Each bobbing barrel will only spawn once a day. Keep your eye for them!

Golden Apples

If you get a golden apple you will win a special random prize.

Peculiar Apple

If you get a peculiar apple you will get a very odd seed. This seed is step towards making a man eating plant. This plant can be used as a container.

To make bags of hellish fertilizers, you will need to collect infernal cow manure from Moo Moo Farms.

The infernal pot is located somewhere in Ravenswood.

Wake the Dead

Collect fresh entrails by digging up graves. Digging up a grave will wake up a rotting corpse.

Get Your Fall Threads

Hue 2751 Hardened Citrine
Hue 2291 Widow

Collect the skulls from each of the 7 bosses of Fall Dungeon to get a fall armor box. Inside the box will be a random piece of armor that will be either widow or hardened citrine hue.

Fighting the Fall Dungeon Mini Bosses? Bring a Friend….or Two.

The 7 bosses found in Fall dungeon are not for the feint of heart. Going solo will be hard, so it will be wise to team up with other players. Each boss spawns randomly twice a week.

The Butcher

The Butcher was one of the first demons to take residence in the town of Ravenswood when the corruption began. He loves nothing more than to butcher humans who trespasses into his lair, and decorate the walls with their innards. His lair adds to the difficulty, as you will be forced to fight in close quarters. Since the Butcher is of demonic origins, he is susceptible to exorcism weapons.

Hits: 20,000
Abilities: Executioner’s Strike , Multi Strike, and Terrifying Roar.
Location: The Butcher’s Lair 6741, 176

Stairs to the Butcher’s Lair is at 6742, 176

Snagr the Sewer Orc King

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Before the corruption there was a clan of orcs that lived in the woods surrounding Ravenswood. The surviving clan members took refuge in the lowest regions of the Ravenswood Sewers. Among the survivors is the clan king, Snagr. Snagr is an extremely tough orc brute that has been living off of tainted meat and toxic waste. His blood and saliva is very acidic, and he uses them as weapons against anyone who wanders too close. With his brute strength he can easily pick up objects and use them as projectiles. However, like any other orc he is susceptible to repond and orcish slaying weapons.

Hits: 35,000
Abilities: Stone Throw, Acidic Spit, and Corrosive Blood
Location: Ravenswood Sewers Level 2, 7089, 1884

Mootaro the Cow King

The farmers of Moo Moo Dairy Farm try to “steer” clear of Mootaro the Cow King. No one is milking this cow, and no one questions how this bull produces milk. Some question are better left unanswered. Mootaro deals additional damage to pets, so it is best to approach with a dexxer or mage. Mootaro has just enough humanoid blood in him (again don’t ask) to make him vulnerable to repond weapons.

Hits: 40,000
Abilities: Stunning Charge, and Terrifying Roar
Location: Moo Moo Dairy Farm 7027 , 3362

Salardon the Conjuror

Salardon has been in the void for many centuries. He came to the Temple of the Void as a living wizard to seek great power. His studies in the void granted him a powers beyond his dreams. In his attempts to grant himself eternal life, he warped himself into a powerful lich. Unfortunate for Salardon the key to eternal life was becoming the living dead. He is vulnerable to silver weapons.

Hits: 35,000
Abilities: Necrotic Ray, and Decreptify
Location: Temple of the Void (6632, 574)

Nocturae the Lady of the Night

Nocturae was transformed into a vampire centuries before the corruption of Ravenswood. She lived in the shadows luring men back to her lair to their doom. When the corruption hit her powers only increased. Nearly all the vampires in Ravenswood are her own spawn, making her their unofficial queen. As with all undead, she is vulnerable to silver weapons.

Hits: 30,000
Abilities: Blood Fury, Claw, and Draining Bite
Location: Sanctum of Sin (5673, 324)

Lwaxana the Brood Mother

Terathans were always a problem in Ravenswood. It was typical to discover a nest close to the town. The corruption changed the terathans that were nearby into deadlier blood thirsty creatures. The terathan matriarch named Lwaxana is the brood mother of these corrupted terathans. Anyone who walks into her nest should beware this fierce creature.

Hits: 40,000
Abilities: Burning Pinchers and Claw
Location: Blood Terathan’s Ritual Chamber (6285, 894)

Kaliyah the Spider Matriarch

When everything in Ravenswood began getting corrupted, the spiders started feasting on demonic flesh. Some spiders became gigantic, but Kaliyah was the biggest of them all.

Hits: 35,000
Abilities: Magma Spit, Burning Touch, and Widow Bite
Location: Infested Cellar (6740, 3746)

Resurrect With Style!

Have you succumbed to your wound in battle? Fear not! There are many death gates that can get you back up and running in no time!


If you find yourself dead in the sewers, hop into the gate purple gate and see your afterlife caseworker Juno.

Gate located at 6874, 74

Ray, When Someone Ask You if You’re a God You Say, YES!

As a duly designated citizen of Sosaria I order you to cease any and all supernatural activity and return forthwith to the place or your origin or to the nearest convenient parallel dimension…. That oughta do it! Thanks very much Ray!

Death gate located at 7001, 141

One Two Freddy’s Coming for You!

Freddy makes your nightmares come alive! However, in fall dungeon he makes you alive.

Visit Freddy at 6745 , 171

Come Play With US Danny! Forever and Ever…..and Ever!

Visit the Grady twins that are haunting the Overlook Hotel hallway. They will res you back up so the nightmare can continue. Exit out the elevator gushing blood.

Shine on at 6841, 190

Brave Enough to take Carrie to the Prom?

Carrie is taking a break from slaughtering the students and faculty at the prom. She may telepathically resurrect your spirit if you’re brave enough.

There’s a gate to Carrie in the Castle of Sacrilege.






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