[] Fixes & more preparation for the new client!

Royal Decorator Tool can now be used on the butler and vendors.

Fixed boats being able to transport through certain parts of other boats.
Fixed new ethereal dye deeds from the vendor being able to redye dehued ethys.
Added a notice on the main vendor screen displaying the warning of “THIS RENTAL WILL NOT RENEW” when a rented vendor is not set to automatically renew.

Added a confirmation warning when attempting to dismiss a vendor stating that the deed will be lost.

Forever Online Client:
- Fixed various rolling text scenarios.
- Fixed cooldown timers.
- Fixed/Added “Special Health Bars” support (these are the health bars that boats and living environments.
- Fixed showing the default status bar for pets that belong to you (not the enhanced one like in the forever client…. YET)
- Added “Action Timers”
- A bar that will appear under a mob with with a countdown until the action is complete. This is currently only available for spells but will have other skills added to it at a later date.

Overdrive Only:
- Ethereal Mounts only take 0.05 seconds to remount.
- Fixed the “SwingThenWait” combat mechanic to not take double the time for swinging.