[] Rogue Talisman changes and additions, lots of bug fixes!

Rogue Talisman

– If your combatant is a creature, hiding will no longer clear your current combatant and will leave you in war mode.

– This will grant you a stacking buff which reduces your swing speed.
– Maximum stacks are the same as the level of this relic.
– The buff is attached to the weapon you’re using, if you switch it you will lose all stacks.
– Formula is now speed / (1 + (Stacks * 0.3)

Sneak Attack
– This will grant you an additional 5 * Level% damage when you attack an opponent from hidden.

Smoke Bomb
– Being inside the effected area will periodically make your character invisible.
– Tick rate = 2.5 – (0.15 * level) seconds.

– Fixed XP gain for stronger mobs.

View news post about this update here.

Mage Talisman

Shadow Disciple
– This ability can now be toggled through the ability menu.
– Now has a 100% to trigger.

– This ability can now be toggled through the ability menu.
– Added additional special effects of the damage being spread to several targets.

– This ability can now be toggled through the ability menu.
– This ability now modifies the damage rather than applying the damage as a separate attack. (This will buff the effect of shadow disciple when triggered at the same time)

Crafter Talisman

– Changed the bonuses associated with this relic to 0.05 * Level from 0.02 * Level.
– Maximum bonus for a level 10 relic is a boost of 50% additional slayers.

House Instancing

House Instance Rune Clearer
– This item will remove all runes linked to a house instance
House Instance Person Clearer
– This item will remove all people (other than the user) from a house instance including offline people.

Magic Weapons Change

Exceptional weapons will now give a flat damage increase of 4.
Ruin will now give a flat damage increase of 1.
Might will now give a flat damage increase of 3.
Force will now give a flat damage increase of 5.
Power will now give a flat damage increase of 6.
Vanquishing will now give a flat damage increase of 7.

  • Fixed the tooltips to display this data correctly.

This will basically nerf non runic damage on weapons while keeping the top level weapons to deal the same amount of damage.

Player Vendors

Added test campaigns for “long term” vendor contracts.
See the news post HERE. Also, see the wiki on this HERE.


– Abilities Menu, fixed a bug with the forever client preventing exact seconds from being sent to the client.
– Added a framework for adding additional toggles for other passive abilities while saving their state through world saves. We may use this to completely remove the old text countdown menu.
– Removed several options and changed descriptions from the help menu. The focus being that reaching out to staff through discord is the preferred method until we have a revamped support system.
– Summons now follow at the same speeds as pets.
– Only effects which are impassible will now block boats movement.
– Fixed boats from being able to boat over the newly decorated shallow water decorations.
– Removed a cannon from the Gargoyle Galleon
– Added 2 additional cannons to the Britain Galleon
– Controlled creatures that are guard whacked will no longer have their corpses deleted.
– Fixed renaming combination items without breaking the recipes.
– Monster Special Skills like arch demon will now hit hidden mobiles.
– Some active abilities can now be toggled while the ability is on cooldown.
– Arrows will no longer be used from the bank if they’re cached as your active arrows.
– Added rideable ostrich mount. Can be seen here.
– Locke Cole clones will no longer drop loot.
– Fixed bugs on a few mobs where they had a nearly 100% chance to drop perfect weapons and armor.






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