War Of The Giants Event – May 17th

Here ‘Ye!
Large beasts have been seen heading towards various cities across the lands in Sosaria. This is a call to arms and magics. Ready yourselves for what appears to be a major battle ahead.

The giants have grown tired of watching the humans thrive in their towns and cities, building their homes and living their lives in peace. They feel threatened by the mere existence of these insignificant creatures and vow to put an end to their prosperity once and for all.

Giant kin has gathered their forces and are marching to cities and towns, seeking to reek havoc on humans. Any who survive the attacks will be dragged away to be either made slaves or served as dinner for the giants’ feasts. Scouts calculate they will arrive in towns May 17th.

Special Loots!

Collect rubble from the town!
Invasion mobs can drop crystal fragments, portal fragments, and portal fragment fragments!

Collect 5 portal fragment fragments to make 1 portal fragment!

Giant’s Ring

Collect one giant’s gemstone and 3 giant’s metal link to form a Giant’s Ring. This ring can be blessed with a CLOTHING blessed deed and layered with deeds.

Anti-Giant’s Bash Helmet

Collect 10 anti-giant bash metal and 1 anti-giant bash smith hammer to create a legendary aesthetic helmet!

New drops added to the event Tuesday May 21st!






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