Rules and Terms of Service

Rules & Terms of Use

Account Related Rules:

  • You may have THREE (3) game accounts PER IP/HOUSE HOLD (1)
  • Sharing accounts is NOT ALLOWED. Do not give your account information to any other player for any reason. Doing so will put all parties linked accounts at risk of banning.
  • DO NOT name your characters using connotations for racial slurs. Characters with a racially offensive name will be renamed. New names will be chosen by an admin.
  • Multi-Clienting Rules:

  • MULTI-CLIENTING in Player VS Player situations is forbidden. You may only have one character engaged in world Player Vs Player at any given time.
  • Using online services to bypass the three (3) account rule is strictly forbidden.
  • General Gameplay Rules:

  • Action may be taken against those who chronically create a negative atmosphere, and provide nothing positive to the UO:F community.
  • NO excessive griefing or trolling. This includes any and all trolling/propaganda type gameplay or community involvement. Griefing is defined as players who play Ultima Online Forever for their own enjoyment at the cost of others.
  • DO NOT make real life threats to anyone. At the end of the day this is just a game, HAVE FUN.
  • DO NOT make any unwelcomed accusations about anyone's personal life.
  • DO NOT use impassable items to completely block or otherwise trap players or ghosts. Players must have a clear path out by some means. However, you MAY block that one open path with your characters, spells, or pets.
  • DO NOT use scamming for the purposes of obtaining another players donation items, or donation coins.
  • WE WILL NOT tolerate racism on Ultima Online: Forever.
  • DO NOT consistently or excessively harass any players on Ultima Online: Forever. Each excessive harassment situation will be handled on a case to case basis.
  • DO NOT attempt to hack, or virtually attack (DDOS) any other users or staff on Ultima Online: Forever.
  • DO NOT use any third party program that IS NOT ClassicUO, Orion, Razor, Sallos (UO:F version), or UOSteam. We do not tolerate any other programs what so ever.
  • PLAY AT YOUR OWN RISK at the poker tables and slot machines (gambling). Staff will not get involved if you think you should have won when you have lost.
  • DO NOT Multi-client on the poker table.

    Unattended Macroing:

    Unattended macroing is generally okay, however, there are some instances in which it is strictly prohibited.

  • DO NOT use a house to AFK Macro resources (ingots, wool etc.) Will result in the house being removed and the player removed from the game. Regardless of who owns the house, it is seen as a proceeds "against the rules" activity.
  • DO NOT use an animal taming macro unattended. Any sort of afk scripting using this skill set will be punishable.
  • DO NOT use any resource gathering skills unattended, such as lumber jacking, stealing, and mining. This includes, but not limited to; rail mining, auto mining/smelting/house dropping/MIB's/Treasure Maps and or automated rune book traveling and banking.
  • DO NOT train your meta talismans or meta relics unattended.
  • DO NOT train your meta pets or meta pet relics unattended.
  • AFK training your meta pets and characters will result in jail time, and possible xp/level wipe.
  • DO NOT use unattended macros for the purposes of obtaining any valuable loot.
  • Failure to comply to any of these rules can result in jail time, having all your resources removed, and banning.
  • No excuses will be accepted for illegal afk macros. Especially; doing house chores, answering the calls of nature, or a parental figure is calling you to dinner. If you must step away, for any amount of time, then you must turn off the script.
  • Staff Related Rules:

  • Ultima Online Forever Staff will never replace or give out items for any reason.
  • Ultima Online Forever Staff will not place or replace housing for players under any circumstances.
  • Any Staff name calling or harassment is prohibited. Treat all staff members with respect.
  • We will not replace or refund any and all donation items for any reason. We will only supply the donation coins paid for.
  • Any pages that are an attack on the shard or staff can result in a jailing. This will be dealt with on a case by case basis.
  • Staff will never ask for your password.
  • Advertising:

  • DO NOT use "Fan sites" or any user-based sites that are direct attempts at trying to direct Ultima Online: Forever users to their website for any means. Any player found intentionally trying to drive other players away from Ultima Online: Forever can result in an immediate ban.
  • DO NOT use the Ultima Online: Forever forums, discord, or in game chat to advertise services unrelated to Ultima Online: Forever.
  • Solicitations:

  • DO NOT sell items, accounts, or gold for real life currency. All Real Life Trading (RTM) and Real Money Trading (RMT) is prohibited.
  • DO NOT trade any items in Ultima Online: Forever for items/currency in another game.
  • Trading items for real currency is detrimental to the health and well being of Ultima Online: Forever. Attempting to engage in these types of transactions will be seen as a hostile act towards the server and its staff members. As such, you will be immediately removed from the game and your items will be taken.
  • Forums and Discord Conduct:

    The UO:F discord and forums are under strict enforcement! The use of the UO:F discord channel and its forums are a privilege. That privilege could be taken if you abuse any of these rules!

  • DO NOT use the Ultima Online: Forever forums or discord channel to conduct/advertise any type of scam or trap.
  • DO NOT use discord/forums as your personal soapbox keep the drama in a private message.
  • DO NOT make up conspiracy theories/false accusations about the server, staff, or its players.
  • DO NOT use the forums/discord channel to produce negative attitudes towards the server/staff/players. If you have an issue with the server pleasecontact the staff.
  • DO NOT in any way threaten another player with real life threats. ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY.
  • DO NOT advertise any other server of any kind, this includes script websites and other discord servers.
  • DO NOT impersonate or imply that you are a staff member.
  • DO NOT use sexist, racist, anti-religious and homophobic language.
  • DO NOT use Buy/Sell/Trade posts to discuss anything other than buying, selling, or trading.
  • DO NOT use another account to deceive players in the buy/sell/trade in any way.
  • DO NOT ask the discord mods or staff for special favors, such as unbanning a friend or guildmate.
  • DO NOT use UO:F discord and forums to protest actions taken against another player. EX: #FreeSoAndSo.
  • Players who have been banned from UO:F Discord may receive in game punishment if they continuously make alternative discord accounts to re-join the UO:F channel.
  • Reporting a user breaking rules must be done in PM or through a page to staff. Discussions about it in the public channels will get you muted and the message deleted.
  • Serious offences to these rules will result in in-game punishment.

    Images, Signature, and Avatars:

  • DO NOT have a signature larger than 800x200.
  • DO NOT use a signature, image, or avatar as means to harrass/insult another player.
  • Limit your signature to no more than FIVE (5) links.
  • DO NOT use any image that can be considered pornographic or highly disturbing to a normal audience.

    Please note, that if you find a bug or see someone abusing a bug or part of the terms stated above and you chose to abuse it rather than reporting it, it will result in possible removal from the game permanently. Instead we offer wearable rewards for those who come forward with such bugs or bring us to light with those who may be using such things. If you find such a thing, we expect all players to do the right thing and come forward with it. Failure to do so could result in possible permanent removal from the game.

    Simply put: If you play the game normally, you will be fine. If you abuse third party programs that are not condoned by the rules above, abuse bot-like automation tactics, or use more than three (3) accounts, you are not abiding by our rules set here and we will take action on a per situation basis.

    Social Media Guidelines:

  • Anyone found attempting to defame Ultima Online: Forever and it's community will be dealt with on a case by case basis.
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